Guatemala C2C Partnership
C2C stands for "Community to Community". It is our goal to take what we have in abundance to other communities, and that they will impact us in a similar way so together we can be better disciples of Jesus Christ.
We specifically have a partnership with Cambalam and Xepiun, Guatemala through the organization of Food for the Hungry, who works to eliminate spiritual and economic poverty all around the world.
Our partnership includes regularly praying for these communities, sponsoring Guatemalan children, and taking annual mission trips to aid in community development and visit the children we sponsor. Our goal is not to create dependency, but rather, mutually cooperate with the people in Guatemala and Food for the Hungry to help break the devastating cycle of poverty by educating and providing the proper tools to create self-sustaining, thriving communities.
Please consider being involved in supporting Cambalam and Xepiun through prayer, by sponsoring a child, or going on a missions trip to support our mission!
Global Ministry Support
Teen ministry in Germany (supported by Montrose Campus)
Pastoral mentoring in Italy
Police and Firefighter ministry in Ecuador (supported by Tunkhannock Campus)
The Hospital of Hope in Togo (supported by Hallstead Campus)
Hope for Korah in Ethiopia (supported by Hallstead Campus)
Persecuted churches in India (supported by Montrose Campus)
Children in Guatemala
Local Ministry Support
Life Choices Center
We provide confidential, non-judgmental listening and support, pregnancy tests, referrals for on-site ultrasounds, options mentoring, one-on-one mentoring, parenting classes, post-abortion healing, and a baby store for our clients to use points they earn from our programs. We are an affiliate of Carenet, and a member of ECFA (Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability).
Offering hope and life affirming options to our clients is our greatest privilege. Every person has the need for love, comfort, truth and hope. Care Net Pregnancy Centers of NEPA are privileged to help many men and women with their immediate needs through our Earn While You Learn program and Baby Boutique. While we listen to their hearts, we teach them about fetal development, alternatives to abortion, parenting with both fatherhood and motherhood mentors, personal spiritual issues, and post-abortion recovery Bible Studies.